For me summertime is about hitting the trails, enjoying the mountains and spending time with my family.
We had a chance to visit Zermatt en famille and hit the trails together.
In July, I had a chance to travel home with my boys to visit my family in Maine. There, I hit the famous Appalachian Trail, and ran the Bigalow Range- 30km of the range crossing over 4 peaks.
I was quite happy to return back to the pond for a swim!
In Maine, I had a chance to do some cross training with my boys.
Not only did I spend some time in the mountains, but also tried to move some mountains. I mean mountains of accumulated things, stuff we don’t need. Moving to a new location can be both overwhelming and freeing at the same time. It really is amazing what one can collect over a number of years, and I guess I am kind of a pack rat when it comes to things. Race t-shirts, numbers….etc. Moves can add stress to your life, but can also open new windows and bring new light.
Next post I write I will be done with the move, my biggest goal this summer.
My next training goal is the Sierre Zinal, a classic Swiss mountain trail race of 31km, Sunday, August 14th, I will hit the trails in Swiss, Valais and let off some steam from packing moving.
Thanks for reading ! Enjoy your time on the trails!