Going from sea level runs in Annapolis, Maryland around the United States Navel Academy in 100 degree heat and high humidity, and exploring the Appalachian Trail and histories roots, it was a breath of fresh, cooler air to step foot on the technical terrain of the Maine Appalachian Trail. Still, the sweat poured off me as I battled the rugged boulders of the AT, all good training for my upcoming 100km around Mt Blanc end of the summer.
It was also a breath of fresh air to spend time at one of my favorite sports in the world, Camp.

From water sports, to runs, to fishing and reading. It was about taking advantage of the moment and being present.

Anders6 yrs, shows us how it’s done w/ his flip. Click on the following link to see! IMG_9483

The days of summer are continuing. Time passes all too quickly and being here makes me appreciate all the moments, and slow the pace down.