This fall in New Hampshire I have found myself in the warrior pose quite often, The weekend warrior that is, and not the yoga warrior pose (though I wish I was in it more) As a weekend warrior I am looking for new places to discover and new trails to run. Durga, the hindu Goddess of Victory, has been in my mind a lot, but the victories are not what one would think, in competition, but daily life. For me much of my day is about finding little victories in each hour.
I did have a few running victories this fall too in the races I entered, but for me the real victory is yet to come. And mostly the victory for me in those races was getting out and appreciating running.
2013 Fall Trail Races:
1st Place- Pisgah 23k Trail-
1st place- Squam Ridge Run 21 km Trail
1st Place- Pinnacle Ultra Challenge 1/2 Marathon
3rd place woman, 1st age group – Mt Toby 14 mile trail

Needless to say, my love of racing and running and pushing myself is still there…pushing to the edge of the limit. Just like in the sprint races, where breathing in the transition is the key, breathing long breaths in this transition is even more important.
- Thank you Hammer Nutrition, CamelBak & Hoka One One!
And some old places that I love to visit with my family. Mt Moosilauke

The Top of Vt Hill Climb was a big push: Birken did amazing, as the youngest to push to the top winning his age group. Michael Mt Biked up and I made my way up the 4.5 miles of paved access road, not my favorite racing conditions.

The Pinnacle Challenge pushed my legs and heart to a personal PR in the half marathon distance on trail. 1h32. The best was the finishing prize, pure NH maple syrup.

Having Mt Monadnock a km away has been fun as a family and a good training ground.

The boys discovered Kingdom trail mt biking with Michael. A boys weekend in Vermont.

The fall colors are certainly what I have missed the past 18 years of being away from New England. They sure have been amazing this year!

Running at Oak Hill, my old training ground for a 7mile run this summer was fun. It’s been years since I have been back to Dartmouth. Some things never change.

The Harvest Moon is a time of transition. I rallied and even tried to recute a few to join me, with no luck, for an ascent of Mt Monadnock to watch the harvest moon set and the sun rise. The Pompelly Trail was riddled with roots and rocks but well worth the early wake up!

The yoga instructor’s words echo in the back of the room..“find your edge.” Translation: get yourself so deep into a pose that it’s a place of discomfort, then hang out. As an an endurance athlete, we definately felt this edge many times and push up to it and beyond. Often we crave that and wonder what the edge is and how far out of discomfort you can push.

I am at a new edge, trying to find the balance in a new pose. New country, new job, new beginnings. Finding the balance in this new pose. Durga, the Hindu Goddess of Victory is one that I find connections with. She has many arms….all these growing out from the warrior pose.

Halloween is just around the corner. My boys are going to be stealth ninjas. Maybe I will be Durga, or just Superwoman. I really wish I had as many arms as Durga, and had the superpowers of Super Woman. Until I harness those superpowers, I will stick to adding super foods to my family’s smoothies and pancakes and keep searching for the little victories in each day!
Happy Halloween!