The Patrouille des Glaciers is the last world cup race of the season. It is a high-altitude race, ultra distance, team race. It climbs to almost 3700 meters and it is important to be well acclimitized. Mona our teammate lives in Breckenridge,Colorado and is sleeping at 10,000 feet, and well aclimitized. Her problem is that she needs to train at a lower elevation. Lyndsay and I are lucky to live in Chamonix where we can go from the valley floor up to 12,000 feet in just a few minutes.

If you are not acclimatized for altitude you can feel miserable so we made our best effort doing everything from skiing up there, to eating lunch to even watching movies at the restaurant. Call us crazy, but it did work! We took advantage of this high-altitude backyard playground and did some training of our own. Here are some photos from our training.