I would not call myself a gym rat, but do love fitness, and always have; I love knowing what is new and innovative in the fitness world. Living in Boulder, Colorado prior to coming to Chamonix, I had every fitness class at my finger tips, whether was the ultimate spinning class, or Pilates or Richard Freemans Yoga Class, or Bikrum’s Hot Yoga class, you name it, they have it. You can find any and every sort of athlete from the amateur to the elite. In Chamonix, it is similar in some ways, as far as athletes and adventurers, but as far as classes and gyms, it is not quite the same We often call Chamonix, the Boulder, Colorado of Europe. As my aunt who spent last winter with us said, everyone is fit, from the kids to the grannies. Well, yes, that is true, there are people in their 60s’s that have lapped me on the trails. More kudo’s to them! Bravo for putting their health as part of their core values.

Getting back to the core of this post, the core of the body, and the core principals of our values in living here in Chamonix and raising our family here in this outdoor playground. For us, we have chosen to work where we live, and choose our lifestyle around the core values that are important to us. Here in Chamonix, there are some classes, but when you have children, it is not easy to fit it all in, and pop off to that 7:30 yoga class when you are in the middle of dinner, baths and bedtime. So we bring it home.

Some of my favorites for having a strong core home practice:
1. Yoga: Bryan Kest of California’s Power yoga. You can find any of his classes on cd or downloadable files. Or if you are lucky you can make it to Inner City Yoga in Geneva when he comes in the Spring and Fall for a workshop. Be prepared for an amazing 1 1/2 to 2hrs of really deep yoga. I often do this on an easy training day or just a day when I need it.

2. Meditation in Motion…I have not exactly acheieved my goal of mediating every morning. I can’t quite set my alarm to meditate when just a bit more shut eye helps if I have been up with a crying child. But I have in fact discovered, after reading a wonderful book called Buddhism for Mothers, a way to slow down a bit while doing the the mundane tasks like the dishes and the laundry. It really does help me be more of a zen mama. As my brother said once, ” Nina will be busy living life”. For sure things are always in motion around our home with this energetic household full of boys but it sure helps to slow down a bit each day , and I thanks to my husband, he reminds me to stay on top of this core value…slow down.

3. That brings me to visualization in sports…another really useful tool, but it also works for raising children and the family life. My recent other favorite book and practice which has totally changed our lives at home is called, “1, 2, 3, Magic” I am not kidding, you will not be disapointed. And again here we are talking core values….

4. My new favorite core workout which I supplement with my own routine a couple times a week. Body Rock TV A fellow mom and fitness fanatic turned me onto this. You can find it online. Again, you will not be disapointed. But you will be sore.

Find a place in your home where you can have a home practice. It does not have to be super big, but a place you can create for your workout. In our home we have reserved specially a space to practice Yoga and do strength work. In this room we have a gymnic ball, a medicine ball, bosu ball, some dyna bands, foam roller, a few free weights and yoga mat and you are all set. The beauty of having a home practice is you make your own hours.

Core strength in the body is equally important as it is in one’s values. It prevents injuries, protects vital muscles, builds power and strength. Surely, this is a buzzword that is flying around these days, and there is certainly truth in its weight. Build your house with a strong foundation; it will protect you in the long run.
Keep working on the core, in all ways.