My 7 year old told me his goal was to be the fastest runner in his class & my 9 year old said he wants to get ready for sprints this winter and be fast like Peter Northug of Norway. My goal: adjust to this new transition, a lofty one, but I am excited for the winter, trying my hand at the x country races in New England & helping grow the skimo scene here in the States.

One fun and great way to fit in a strength training session is to do some circuit training with your family. The boys love it. Blast a fun playlist. This is what we did this sunday afternoon on a gray day in New Hampshire.
SKI CIRCUIT: Good for Alpine, Nordic and Ski MO: Repeat 1- 2-3 times. 1 min on, 30 sec rest to give time to switch. Be sure to alternate legs, arms, back or core in a series of 3.

Ski-Circuit Strength. Try to do this 2 times a week: 30-45 min
10 min warmup & muscles activation on ski erg, bike etc.
1. ladder drills
2. walking lunges
3. push-ups
4. medicine ball russian twists
5. tuck jumps
6. dips
7. Hamstring curls w/ Gym ball
8. Ski Erg
9. single leg squats
10. Plank pose
11. Pull-ups
12. box step ups
13. gym ball crunches
14. Supermans on ball
15. Shoulder pull (not for kids)
16. Bongo board
Add what you want! Make it Fun!
Ski season will be here before you know it! Be sure to get in your strength training this fall so the burning legs will be just a bit less! Aim for 2-3 times a week.

The most important is to have fun and keep moving, get active with your family!

Fuel your kids right! Next sunday try Super charged Super Food Sprouted Ancient grain organic Pancakes. GMO Free and Organic of course